Tragically, a horrifying incident unfolded in Dhaka today, claiming the lives of at least four individuals, including a mother and her son, as arsonists set fire to three compartments of the Mohanganj Express train in Tejgaon. The train, originating from Netrokona, reached Dhaka in the morning, and passengers witnessed the flames upon entering the Khilket area. Subsequently, the train was halted at Tejgaon station, according to Officer-in-Charge Mohammad Mohsin of the Tejgaon police station.
Around 5:04 am, three carriages of the train were intentionally set ablaze, as reported by Deputy Assistant Director Shahjahan Sikder of the Fire Service and Civil Defence Headquarters Media Cell. Nadira Akter Popy, 32, and her three-year-old son Yasin are among the identified victims, while the two other male victims remain unidentified, with their bodies sent to Kamalapur railway station.
This tragic incident is part of a series of train and vehicle arsons that have been occurring frequently in the country over the past month amid political turmoil. Notably, this marks the first time such incidents have resulted in fatalities. Other instances include the Panchagarh Express on November 16, the Jamuna Express on November 19, and the Upaban Express on November 23, all targeted by arson attacks. Another train was set on fire at Ishurdi Junction in Pabna on November 27, with no reported injuries, and the fire was brought under control by the fire service after half an hour.