Dhaka Tops Global Air Quality Concerns with AQI of 280


Dhaka once again claimed the undesirable title of the city with the poorest air quality globally this morning, registering an alarming AQI score of 280 at 9 am. The air quality index categorized Dhaka’s air as ‘very unhealthy,’ posing severe health threats to its residents. Following closely on the list were Lahore in Pakistan, Delhi, and Kolkata in India, securing the second, third, and fourth positions with AQI scores of 234, 224, and 190, respectively.

In the context of the air quality index, when the AQI value for particle pollution falls within the range of 101 to 150, the air quality is deemed ‘unhealthy for sensitive groups.’ The bracket between 150 and 200 is classified as ‘unhealthy,’ while the range of 201 to 300 is characterized as ‘very unhealthy.’ A reading surpassing 301 is considered ‘hazardous,’ carrying serious health risks for residents.

The AQI serves as a crucial index for conveying daily air quality conditions, providing valuable information to individuals regarding the cleanliness or pollution levels in a particular city and the potential health implications.



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