Barishal Reports Highest Poverty Rates in HIES 2022

bbs barishal

The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) released its Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) 2022 report, revealing significant advancements in the country’s socioeconomic landscape. The HIES 2022, marked by improved data collection methodologies, unveiled a substantial rise in the average monthly income, soaring to Tk. 32,422 in 2022 from Tk. 15,988 in 2016 and Tk. 11,479 in 2010.

Key Highlights:

Enhanced Living Standards: The data showcased a remarkable improvement in household living standards. Access to electricity surged to 99.3%, literacy rates rose to 74.0%, and 92.3% of households now have improved toilet facilities.

Income Growth: Average monthly household income witnessed a substantial increase, reflecting economic progress. The nominal income escalated from Tk. 15,988 in 2016 to Tk. 32,422 in 2022.

Expenditure Patterns: Total monthly household expenditure also increased, reaching Tk. 31,500 in 2022 from Tk. 15,715 in 2016. Non-food expenditures gradually rose, constituting 54.2% of total expenses in 2022.

Changing Consumption Patterns: The report highlighted a shift in consumption patterns, with average rice consumption decreasing, while vegetable and meat consumption increased. The average protein intake rose to 72.5 grams per person per day in 2022.

Poverty Reduction: Notably, poverty rates exhibited a significant decline. Using the upper poverty line, the headcount rate dropped to 18.7% in 2022 from 24.3% in 2016. Extreme poverty, using the lower poverty line, saw a remarkable decrease to 5.6% in 2022 from 12.9% in 2016.

Regional Disparities: Barishal Division reported the highest headcount rates in 2022, emphasizing regional disparities in poverty. Dhaka exhibited the lowest headcount rates among divisions.

Income Inequality: The Gini coefficient indicated a dispersion in income inequality, rising to 0.499 at the national level in 2022 from 0.482 in 2016. Urban areas experienced a more substantial increase than rural areas.

Financial Inclusion: Household financial inclusion demonstrated improvement, with 14.1% of households reporting at least one member opening a bank account in the last 12 months.

Social Security Programs: The coverage of Social Security Programs (SSP) significantly increased, encompassing 37.6% of households and 50.0% of SSP beneficiaries in HIES 2022.

Gender Dynamics: The data revealed a dominance of female labor force engagement in the non-agriculture sector in urban areas, highlighting evolving gender roles.

Food Security: The report indicated that 21.11% of the population experienced moderate or severe food insecurity, with a higher prevalence in rural areas compared to urban areas.

The HIES 2022 report signifies Bangladesh’s substantial progress in various socioeconomic indicators, illustrating a positive trajectory towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals.


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