UN Chief Guterres Urges Ceasefires in Gaza, Sudan for Ramadan

un guterres gaza ramadan sudan

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday (March 11) issued a call for ceasefires in Gaza and Sudan during the holy month of Ramadan.

As Monday marks the commencement of Ramadan, a time when Muslims worldwide celebrate and promote values of peace, reconciliation, and solidarity, Guterres expressed concern over the ongoing violence in Gaza. Despite the significance of Ramadan, he noted that killings, bombings, and bloodshed persist in the region.

“My strongest appeal today is to honor the spirit of Ramadan by silencing the guns — and removing all obstacles to ensure the delivery of life-saving aid at the speed and massive scale required,” he conveyed to reporters.

Guterres highlighted the unprecedented levels of civilian casualties and destruction during his tenure as UN secretary-general. He raised alarm about the sluggish and insufficient delivery of life-saving relief to Palestinians in Gaza, emphasizing the dire humanitarian situation.

International humanitarian law, according to Guterres, lies in tatters. He also warned about the potential for a further deterioration in the situation if Israel launches an assault on Rafah in Gaza.

The UN Secretary-General extended his call for a Ramadan cessation of hostilities to Sudan, emphasizing the need to end the fighting for the sake of the Sudanese people facing hunger, horrors, and untold hardships.

“In Gaza, in Sudan, and beyond, it is time for peace. I call on political, religious, and community leaders everywhere to do everything in their power to make this holy period a time for empathy, action, and peace,” Guterres concluded.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks to the press outside the Security Council Chamber at the UN headquarters in New York on March 11, 2024.

Guterres on Monday called for ceasefires in Gaza and Sudan during the holy month of Ramadan.


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