Market Growth, Product Diversity Key to Export Boost, Says PM


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina emphasized the need for expanding the export market and diversifying production during a meeting with leaders of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) at her official residence, Ganabhaban.

She stressed that to boost exports, it is essential to both broaden the market and diversify the range of products. Additionally, Prime Minister Hasina urged businessmen to prioritize the quality of manufactured goods.

According to Prime Minister’s Deputy Press Secretary KM Shakhawat Moon, the BGMEA delegation provided the premier with insights into business, trade, exports, and current market conditions. During the meeting, the delegation highlighted various challenges stemming from global situations, and Prime Minister Hasina attentively listened, assuring prompt solutions to the identified issues.

The BGMEA delegation, including President Farooq Hasan, former President and former Commerce Minister Tipu Munsi, and other key leaders, engaged in a constructive dialogue with the Prime Minister, addressing concerns and seeking support for the garment and export industry.


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