Two More BSEC Commissioners Resign

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In a significant development, two commissioners of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) have resigned following the recent departure of the commission’s chairman. The commissioners, Professor Dr. Shaikh Shamsuddin Ahmed and Dr. Rumana Islam, have formally submitted their resignation letters to the Financial Institutions Division.

Professor Dr. Shaikh Shamsuddin Ahmed, who recently resigned, is a faculty member of the Finance Department at the University of Dhaka. He joined BSEC as a commissioner on May 20, 2020.

Dr. Rumana Islam, a professor of law at the University of Dhaka, holds the distinction of being the first female commissioner of BSEC since its inception in June 1993. Dr. Islam completed her undergraduate and postgraduate studies in law at the University of Dhaka in 2003 and 2004, respectively. She further pursued a master’s degree in international trade law from the University of Cambridge, UK, and earned her PhD in international law from Warwick University, UK, in 2015. Dr. Islam began her academic career as an assistant professor in the Law Department at the University of Dhaka in 2008 and joined BSEC as a commissioner on May 8, 2022.

The resignations follow the recent departure of BSEC Chairman Professor Shibli Rubayat-Ul-Islam, who submitted his resignation via email to the Secretary of the Financial Institutions Division on Saturday.


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