Paper Processing’s EPS Slightly Hikes in Q3

Paper Processing

One of the listed companies, Paper Processing & Packaging Limited discloses its financial reports for the third quarter, (January – March 24).

For the period of January to March 2024, the Basic EPS was Tk. 1.40, up from Tk. 1.25 in the same period of 2023. From July 2023 to March 2024, the Basic EPS was Tk. 2.26, down from Tk. 3.04 for the corresponding period in 2022-2023.

Diluted EPS for January to March 2024 was Tk. 1.40, a significant increase from Tk. 0.44 in January to March 2023. For July 2023 to March 2024, Diluted EPS reached Tk. 2.26, up from Tk. 1.07 in the same period of the previous year.


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