Diplomats, Media Figures Convene to Shape Russo-African Media Relations

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Russia and Africa have joined forces to craft a comprehensive information strategy, as revealed during the Second International Journalists Forum held on Thursday, April 18, both online and offline.

Organized by the Russian-African Club in collaboration with the Faculty of Journalism and the Faculty of Global Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and backed by the Secretariat of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the forum drew a diverse array of participants. Diplomats, government officials from African nations, media executives, producers, TV hosts, journalists, public figures, scholars, educators, and representatives from cultural and media sectors converged, totaling around 100 individuals from 32 countries spanning Russia, Africa, the Middle East, India, Bangladesh, and Brazil.

The forum, moderated by Alexander Berdnikov, Executive Secretary of the Russian-African Club, featured notable figures such as Anna Gladkova, Louis Gouend, and Ilya Shershnev from Lomonosov Moscow State University. Oleg Ozerov, Ambassador at Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, and Head of the Secretariat of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum, conveyed a welcoming address stressing the pivotal role of truthful media in shaping perceptions of current events. He also highlighted the significance of the upcoming Russia-Africa Ministerial Conference scheduled for November in Sochi, emphasizing the need for a robust information framework to facilitate productive discussions.

Elena Vartanova, Dean of the Journalism Faculty of Lomonosov MSU, extended greetings and underscored the intensified efforts of the Russian-African Club ahead of the university’s 270th anniversary. Yves Ekoué Amaiso from Togo emphasized the imperative of devising a unified media strategy amidst the ongoing political, economic, and information dynamics influenced by the Global West.

Subsequent speakers, including Zenebe Kinfu, Leonard Dossou, Ondua Ovona Joseph Julien, and Tokologu Tau, deliberated on the growing Western influence on African media and proposed concrete measures to bolster collaboration between Russian and African journalists.

Jamal Othman, Head of the Main Department for Media Content Monitoring in Libya, shed light on his organization’s role in combating misinformation and promoting tolerance.

Ilya Shershnev reiterated the significance of advancing preventive journalism, announcing plans for an innovative training course encompassing areas such as public diplomacy, fake news mitigation, and peacebuilding, underscoring Moscow State University’s commitment to fostering a new frontier in the information domain.

Renowned Indian expert, professor, and journalist Dwivedi Ratnesh highlighted Russia as a blueprint for India in terms of governmental support for national media activities, balancing control with respect for journalists’ independent and constructive opinions.

Maxim Reva, Deputy Editor-in-Chief for Economics at the African Initiative news agency, showcased the agency’s three correspondent points established directly in Africa – in Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso. He underscored the paramount importance of personal communication between media professionals and the audience. Reva also pointed out the significant potential of African graduates from Soviet and Russian universities who have emerged as leading specialists in African countries.

Joining the session online from Cameroon, Club expert, International Journalist, and Academician of Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, Sergei Chesnokov, participating in the fourth investment forum, highlighted the keen interest of Cameroonians in the Russian delegation, expressing a desire for an equal partnership.

Patrick Boyanga Bozi, President of the Congolese Diaspora in Russia, expressed confidence in Africans’ immunity to correctly perceive information, stemming from the historically friendly relations between Russia and Africa.

Entrepreneur Georges Romain Zobo from Congo, a graduate of a Soviet university, stressed the necessity for practical measures to provide information support to small and medium-sized agricultural businesses in Africa.

Said Ali, President of the Malagasy diaspora in Russia, endorsed the Russian-African Club of Lomonosov Moscow State University’s activities, deeming it a pivotal organization for advancing the Russian agenda in Africa.

Africanist and writer Igor Sid highlighted Africa’s perennial role as a source of new perspectives, generously shared with the global community.

Concluding the proceedings, Alexander Berdnikov, Executive Secretary of the Russian-African Club of Lomonosov Moscow State University, affirmed that all proposals from the forum participants would be considered by the Journalists Association of Russia and African Countries. The forum’s main thrust emphasized the necessity of crafting an information strategy to bolster Russian-African relations.

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