Eid Vacation Stays at 3 Days, Cabinet Secy


Cabinet Secretary Md Mahbub Hossain announced today that the Eid-ul-Fitr vacation will span three days, starting from April 10. The decision was disclosed during a press conference following the cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at the Prime Minister’s Office.

Hossain clarified that offices will remain open on April 8 and April 9, although employees can opt for casual leave if desired.

Additionally, the Cabinet Committee on Law and Order recommended extending the Eid-ul-Fitr holiday by one day on April 9, which was approved.

Regarding social welfare measures, Hossain mentioned that the government has eased the eligibility criteria for allowances for widows and abandoned women. Now, women with an income below Taka 15,000 per year will be eligible for the allowance.

The Cabinet Division has granted preliminary approval to the draft ‘Widow and Husband-Deserted Women Allowance Scheme Implementation Policy-2024’. Currently, over 25.75 lakh women nationwide receive these allowances.

Furthermore, the Cabinet Division approved the draft ‘Import and Export Act-2024’ and three additional bills: ‘Payment and Settlement System Act-2024,’ ‘Foreign Voluntary Organizations (Regulation of Immovable Property Acquisition) Act-2024,’ and the ‘Bangladesh Trade and Tariff Commission (Amendment) Act, 2024.’

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