Nearly 40% of Youth Not in Education, Employment, or Training: BBS Data


The percentage of youth neither studying nor working or taking any kind of training has slightly decreased from 2022’s 40.67% to 39.88% in 2023.

The data was disclosed by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) while officially releasing the “Bangladesh Sample Vital Statistics 2023: Key Findings” at BBS headquarters in Agargaon, Dhaka today (24 March).

The statistics also revealed that the ratio of mobile phone users aged 5 and above stands at 59.9% in 2023. However, for 15+ year olds, the rate has slightly increased to 74.2% compared to 2022 (73.8%).

Also, 50.1% of all people aged 15 and above used the internet in 2023, the study found.

Meanwhile, the life expectancy of people in Bangladesh stood at 73.3 years in 2023, which was 73.4 in 2022.

At present., about 1,171 people live per square kilometre in Banglades.

State Minister for the Ministry of Planning Md Shahiduzzaman Sarkar was present as the chief guest at the publication event.

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