PM Sheikh Hasina Stresses Crucial Role of Democracy in Allowing AL Members in Elections

Sheikh Hasina

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina emphasized that allowing her party members to participate in the recent national election as independent candidates was crucial to preserving the country’s democracy. During her opening remarks at the extended meeting of Awami League at Ganabhaban, the official residence, she stated that restricting the election only to AL members would have tainted its integrity and posed a threat to the nation’s democratic principles.

Highlighting the significance of the election in maintaining the country’s status as a developing nation, the Prime Minister underscored the need to uphold the promises outlined in the election manifesto. She emphasized that these promises play a pivotal role in shaping the annual budget formulations.

As the head of the ruling Awami League, Hasina announced the opening of the upcoming upazila elections to all party members, aiming for inclusivity and broader participation. She expressed the intention to evaluate the party’s efforts for the common people during its 15-year tenure in power, identifying those who fell short. This evaluation, she mentioned, would reveal the individuals genuinely accepted by the people.

In a stern warning against potential confrontation during the upcoming local government elections, Hasina unequivocally opposed such incidents. She asserted that strict measures would be taken against individuals responsible for any form of confrontation, regardless of their affiliations.

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