PM Urges China to Boost Partnership for Swift Development

Sheikh Hasina

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh has called on China to enhance its cooperation to accelerate Bangladesh’s development, emphasizing China as one of the largest development and strategic partners for her country. This request was made during a meeting with Sun Haiyan, the Vice-Minister of the International Department of the central committee of the Chinese Communist Party, who congratulated Sheikh Hasina on her reelection as Prime Minister.

Sun Haiyan conveyed President Xi Jinping’s greetings, expressing confidence in Sheikh Hasina’s reelection due to her dedication to improving the fate of the Bangladeshi people and her patriotism. The Chinese vice minister also congratulated Sheikh Hasina’s daughter, Saima Wazed, on her election as the Regional Director of the World Health Organisation (WHO), expressing hope for her significant role in global efforts to address autism.

During the meeting, Sun Haiyan commended Bangladesh’s development, highlighting the country’s progress since 1991. Sheikh Hasina attributed this development to instilling confidence in the people that “we can do.” She emphasized the need for continued government stability to implement socio-economic development plans. The Prime Minister invited Sun Haiyan to visit rural areas to witness the tangible changes in Bangladesh.

In response to Sun Haiyan’s call for enhanced collaboration, Sheikh Hasina outlined her government’s commitment to fulfilling the unfinished tasks of Bangladesh’s founding leader, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, aiming to improve the lives of its citizens. She sought Chinese cooperation for this purpose.

The Chinese vice minister underscored the importance of strengthening relations between the Communist Party of China and Bangladesh Awami League through increased collaboration programs. Ambassador-at-Large M Ziauddin and PM’s Principal Secretary M Tofazzel Hossain Miah were also present during the meeting.

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